After confiding in her mother, the consensus of opinion was that we should be divorced, but Sally is an excep- tion to the human race, in that she has an objective out- look toward everyone, regardless of how hard they step on her. I know this to be a fact, because I stepped hard, with both feet and for a very long time.
Both of us want to a psychiatrist and it was then that Sally said "I love my husband so deeply, that I'll put up with his idiosyncrasy". At this time she was coping with me, but not joining me. After two visits, I discontinued treatment, because I was afraid that I might be cured. From then on, the subject was not brought up voluntarily by her, although she did allow me to wear ladies panties.
What nearly caused the ruin of our marriage was the fact that, for a long time I was satisfying myself by dre- ssing in my pretty things and gratifying myself behind her back. This caused me to be too tired or too depressed after having my secret thrill to satisfy my wife's needs. Gradually, this situation evolved discontent and I began to focus my attention toward another woman. Two things attracted me to her, First, I liked the way she dressed and secondly, I thought I could prove to myself that I could be a real man. The latter, of course, I found im- possible and I'm not sorry, because I do love being a woman and I keep trying to improve myself. Upon dis- covering this romance, my wife gave me the choice of seeking help or leaving her.
Both of us made a number of visits to the psychiat- rist and after receiving proper counselling, Sally and I were made aware that "our" beliefs are not perverted or abnormal. Now that Sally knows the goal that "we" strive to attain, she wants to share our femme world with all of us. We are both very happy together now. We share each others clothes, we shop together for pretty things and if she goes shopping alone, she usually buys a suprise for me.
For femmiphillia and marriage to be in concert with each other, there has to be a harmonic structure built on just two things; immeasurable love and understanding on behalf of both parties.